Yes, I spelled it that way on purpose.

Every time there is a break in the school year we seem to hurtle ourselves toward it at break-neck speed, and it's only once the break is nearly over that I'm ready to relax. So, tonight, although I'm tired, I'm still in working gear. There is simply so much to do that it would almost be easier just to keep going in to work to get things done without the constant interruptions that occur with a job like mine.

As it's a service I'm providing, I need to be ready to help out, sometimes without any warning. Yet, the duties that are unseen are the most time consuming. I work in what is essentially a giant file, yet have little to no time for filing the many papers that seem to increase daily on the surface of my desk. Materials are being shelved, but I don't actually have the time to check on the accuracy of the work being done.

Extra reports and plans have been requested of me and are further interfering with the completion of the two jobs I now must complete - those being both mine and that of the clerk who I lost two years ago to budgetary cuts. The loss of Ms. Duran's help has been incalculable, unless you simplify it to man-hours. That is about 1500 man-hours of work, added to the work load I, and all other secondary librarians who lost their clerks, already had.

So, I face a conundrum. Do the best I can without complaint, or express my need for assistance at a never-ending task. If I'm not able to complete my job, should I be given the assistance that the Texas Education Agency recommends for well funded libraries, or do the powers that be find another librarian with fewer outside demands able to devote the whole of his or her life to the job?

The emperor has no clothes. A library of 19,000 items that serves over 1000 people will function best when fully staffed and funded. Now, will I be shot down for speaking the truth?

Sorry, I seem to have meandered from my original thought. The short vacation has arrived, and it will put on the brakes in my momentum, so when we return, I will have to start pushing my Flintstone's car trying to return to the speed I had before we hit this point in time.

Don't get me wrong. I NEED the rest. I need respite from the ever increasing demands, but I also know how hard it will be to return to the
I am convinced that there must be some astrological explanation for the things that are going on lately. Or my karma is... impure to say the least.

Whatever it is, I would really like for it to CALM DOWN for a while, please. I have enough on my plate for the time being. Giving me more to do won't help me get my work done.

Image by Lara Zombie.